
Tips to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy

Are you pregnant? You should know that during this stage your skin will be more prone to developing stretch marks. These skin tags are very common, and you certainly don’t want to have them on your body. Knowing some tips to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy would be good for you.

Stretch marks are created from the damage caused by rapid stretching of the skin, which can be the result of different factors, such as pregnancy.

Luckily, if you are pregnant and you are afraid that these will appear on your skin, you should know that it is possible to prevent them, although for this you must take different points into account.

Keep reading, in a moment you will not only know some tips to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, but we will touch on many more points that will help you be more informed about this topic.

What are stretch marks and how do they form?
Stretch marks can be described as thin lines that appear in some areas of the skin. In fact, these normally have a different color, usually in dark skin they can be seen as light, while in light skin the color is red, at least during its early stages.

Many people consider stretch marks to resemble scars. However, they are unaware that these marks are just this, since they develop from skin damage, generated by the rapid stretching that can occur in certain areas. Normally this can happen due to weight gain, growth or pregnancy.

You should keep in mind that the fact that the skin stretches is normal during development. Although, when this happens quickly, breaking the limits of elasticity, collagen and elastin tend to break, when this damage is healed, stretch marks are formed.

Why being pregnant are you more likely to develop stretch marks?
As you may have noticed a moment ago, factors such as growth, weight and pregnancy increase the chances of developing stretch marks, but you are probably wondering why this happens.

During pregnancy, many parts of the body tend to increase in size, such as the abdomen and breasts. On many occasions, this growth is very fast and manages to break the limits of elasticity of the skin, resulting in the rupture of the aforementioned components.

Fortunately, these damages do not present any risk to health, beyond the aesthetic.
Tips to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy
If you fear that stretch marks will occur during or after pregnancy, there are some tips that you should take into account to prevent them, these are some.
● Stay hydrated:
Hydration is a very important point that you must take into account, because it is not only useful to deal with stretch marks, but also to prevent many other diseases or symptoms associated with dehydration, such as dizziness.
Keeping your body hydrated brings many benefits to your skin, as it may be more flexible, making it more difficult to reach its limits of elasticity.
● Have a healthy diet:
Do you know the importance of having a healthy diet for the skin? When you eat foods that contain minerals, vitamins, and proteins, your skin benefits, since collagen is increased in it, one of the components that tends to break down when the skin stretches.
This is one of the tips that will be very useful to you, maintaining good collagen production will prevent stretch marks from developing.
● Avoid gaining more weight than normal during pregnancy:
During a pregnancy it is normal for your body to gain a few kilos, however, you should avoid an irregular weight, as this will not only increase your chances of developing stretch marks on your skin, but it can also represent a great risk to your health.
● Get enough sleep:
Surely you wonder how your hours of sleep influence the appearance of stretch marks. Although at first glance it does not seem to have much to do with skin care, the truth is that while you sleep you are producing collagen, which is important to avoid them.
The most recommended thing is that you sleep around 8 hours during the night, this will bring many other benefits to your day to day life.
● Take care of your skin from the sun:
On many occasions, sunlight plays a relevant role in the appearance of stretch marks, this is because, in general, on sunny days, exposure to the sun causes the skin to dry out, which is a factor that decreases its flexibility. .
Luckily, to prevent sunlight from coming into direct contact with your skin, there are many products that can help you.
● Do exercises:
There are some exercises that you can practice during pregnancy, the ideal is that you inform yourself in detail about what they are, these will be very useful to increase the production of collagen in the skin.
What should you do if you started getting stretch marks?
Unfortunately, once stretch marks develop, they are impossible to remove, as is the case with any other scar. However, it is possible to make them less noticeable, although the effectiveness of this will depend on how soon you start treating them, ideally starting when they are still red or pink.
Natural products may be the most recommended, because there will be no problems with pregnancy when using them, these are some of them.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has many properties in the area of health, as for the skin you must have that it will be very helpful to avoid stretch marks.
Use coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the most common products you can find to treat stretch marks, it is very useful in moisturizing the skin.
Aloe vera
Finally, aloe vera has two properties that are very useful in this area, being an excellent moisturizer and helping to achieve good healing.

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